Redefining Financial Independence for Healthcare

We are a trusted partner dedicated to helping independent practices thrive by providing risk-free claim-to-payment solutions and AI-powered insights to optimize financial performance.

Not a lender, not a loan, not traditional factoring

Get paid now for the care you provide

We believe in transforming practices from entities caught in the cycle of debt and delayed payments into financially independent operations. By addressing the core issues of delayed reimbursements and administrative burdens, we help practices focus on their primary mission: patient care.

Thrivory eliminated the day-to-day cash-flow worries of running our practice without taking on additional risk.

The rapid funding and zero personal guarantees have given us the freedom to focus on what matters most—our patients.

With Thrivory, I’ve been able to invest in new medical equipment and expand my practice. It’s like having a trusted advisor for my practice.

Risk-free access to capital to grow your practice

Swift and simple access

Get the funds you need within 3-5 days through our streamlined application process.

No risk, no debt, ever

With non-recourse terms, you’re protected from unpaid claims; with off-balance sheet terms, no liability is ever recorded.

Dedicated to independent practices

Exclusively serving independent medical practices. Delivering capital solutions to ensure predictable cash flow and facilitate growth.

Connecting a Powerful Community

Thrivory is proud to be a member and trusted vendor of forward-thinking organizations that support the independent medical practice community.


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Does Thrivory impact our credit score?

No, Thrivory does not impact your personal or business credit score. Guaranteed and immediate cash flow is generated from analyzing your practice’s claims without the need for personal guarantees or lengthy due diligence requirements which disrupt operations. Thrivory bears 100% risk of payor reimbursements without impacting your personal credit!

What if Thrivory funds a claim that does not get repaid by the payor?

If Thrivory funds you for a claim that has not been repaid, we assume the risk of non-payment without any recourse to you. To minimize this risk, though, we conduct pre-checks on claims through our claims funding application. This allows us to predict the likelihood of reimbursement with a high level of certainty. If an unpaid claim does arise, we will work closely with you to identify and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.  At Thrivory, we are committed to transparency and ensuring a positive client experience.

What does it cost to accelerate cash flow without risk?
The cost to accelerate your cash flow with us is primarily determined by a fee on any payments for the pool of claims that remain unpaid by the insurance carriers. In addition, there is an annual fee to cover the onboarding and ongoing monitoring costs associated with your account. This fee, based on our actual costs, will be detailed in your agreement with us and is significantly lower than the due diligence fees charged by traditional lenders.                                                                                                          
Here’s how the fee structure on accelerated payments works:                    
  • First 30 days: 3% of the payment amount.
  • After 30 days: An additional 0.7% of the payment amount is charged every 7 days, based on a 360 day year.

This fee applies only until the outstanding pool balance is paid in full.We believe in transparent pricing with no hidden fees. Our goal is to help you access your funds faster.

How much immediate cash flow can we expect?

After we complete our funding analysis, you can expect immediate cash flow of up to 80% of all claims submitted.

Do we need to change our current billing procedures?

No, you do not need to change your current billing procedures. You will still manage claims filing and denials. Thrivory simply accelerates cash flow upon claim submission to counter payor delays. As we understand your RCM practices better, we can also assist with proactively identifying denials and bolstering top-line revenue with claim optimization services.

What are some of the advantages of working with Thrivory?

Thrivory collaborates closely with your practice to address your unique financial needs, ensuring you are free from the burdens of debt, equity dilution, and risk exposure. Our primary focus is to simplify the funding process, enabling you to access capital rapidly. On average, our application approval takes 3-5 days, followed by almost instant “claims to cash” capabilities. It is also important to note that Thrivory is not a traditional lender, MCA (merchant advance cash), or any structure that would obligate all assets of your practice.

Do we have to submit all our claims through Thrivory?

No, you can choose which payors you want to fund with us and also change this at any time. Thrivory can support all commercial and government payors (we do not fund self-pay or WC claims). We will work with you to set everything up and support electronic reconciliation for you.

Is Thrivory secure?

Yes, our portal is secure and fully HIPAA compliant with full end-to-end 256-bit encryption to protect your data. We never see or store third-party usernames or passwords.

Connect with Thrivory today